A brief overview of Quantum Healing and what it can help you with. Good to listen to if you are new to this kind of energy work.
Video 9:48mins
Testimonial from a lovely client
Kelsey shares her healing experience after a zoom session of Quantum Healing and Light Code Activation.
Video: 1.54mins
Why you have low energy
A quick talk on why as humans our energy levels can drop and the importance of knowing how low frequencies created by our thoughts and emotions affect this.
Video 12:41mins
Instant healing with entity removal
Highlights a Quantum Healing session that resolved joint pain in one session. Using energy reading, alchemy transformation and entity attachment removal.
Video 20:53mins
Siu Lim Tao performed in Thailand
The first form of Wing Chun Kung Fu performed at Wat Umong in Thailand whilst attending a Martial Camp for internal development in Thailand.
Video 7:14mins
Group Clearance Session on Zoom
A short version of a 90min session that demonstrates the remarkable results that can be achieved even with a large group of eight participants.
Video 16:46mins
A Tui Na Chinese Massage Demo
A promo clip demonstrating just how easy and truly relaxing it is to receive a fully clothed medical meridian massage.
Video 2:36mins
Talking through the healing journey
The amazing process of discovering what meta physical facets were creating a physical manifestation of knee pain.